When creating a business plan, it's important to have all of your elements in the right place. However, as your plan evolves and changes, you may find that you need to move certain elements around.
For each of the following sections, you will find that some information will automatically be presented in subcategory boxes, each containing within them, clearly organized details pertaining to each topic.
Business Models
Target Audience
Market Size & Trends
Core Offerings
Secondary Offerings
Expansion Opportunities
Customer Service
Customer Retention
Team & Roles
You can easily change the order that these subcategory boxes appear in each section simply by hovering your mouse in the top right corner of your chosen subcategory box.
This will reveal three functions: Drag to move, Delete, Duplicate.
The first function on the left is the Drag to Move function. Click and hold down the left button of your mouse on the 6 dots, then drag the box to the space in your section where you would like to place it.
You will know that you have reached a viable location to place your box, once you see a blue line appear, in between two existing boxes. Once the blue line appears, release your mouse button.
With these simple tips, you can easily rearrange your elements to create a well-organized and visually appealing business plan.